Oh, To Be Real
"der bestirnte Himmel über mir und das moralische Gesetz in mir" -Kant
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I absolutely ADORE Mardi Gras, and how fitting of you, my dearest friend, to christen our very own blog on the eve of the 150th!! I remember them well, the earliest years of carnival, when you and I would hop a train for the day long ride (but who can remember the ride - HAHAHA!), then we'd give up anonymity for lent, and we could travel the streets unremarkable for a day. And by all reports, they're having as grand a time as ever. Oh thank you so much!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Someone Believes in Me
I've not bothered with people for a long time. I've kept to myself and a few good friends (like this fella here), but lately the blogiverse is peppered with rumors and queries. All of a sudden, everyone's an amateur crypto-bipedal-primatologist! I should have figured all hell would break loose when I came out of the darkness to see about these convenience stores with restrooms on the inside and cute little keychains and adorable pictures of puppies and an impressive variety of breath-freshening gum. Such wonderful companionship during the long lonely remote nights, but alas, my beloved clerks, perhaps bloggers by day, have let the old man cat out of the bag. I now accede to the demand for an internet presence. At least here, someone believes.