Thursday, March 08, 2007

Anthropomorphism Revised

At a modestly attended conference in her bottom bunk, x.6 presented the startling results of her ongoing research into homo sapiens development. Noting that all adults have unique smells, she described a particular, but apparently common, matrilineal pattern: a 94 year old female was identified as smelling of hot cereal and strawberry, her female descendant of hot cereal and CHERRY, and the next generation female of ROSES and cherry. Interestingly, the associated but unrelated males smelled like boiled eggs and dead animals. We encourage x.6 to continue this important work as it promises to advance our own defense systems.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Friday

You Are a Soy Latte

At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxed

At your worst, you are: dogmatic and picky

You drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting it

Your caffeine addiction level: medium

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Well Look at This. I Survived the Switch!

Somehow I made it through to the New Blogger! Hard to imagine. And I haven't yet decided how to use this new lease on life but am open to suggestions.